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The Faster Road To A Clean House: Quick Cleaning In 5 Steps

by Cleaning House Maids - November 8, 2021

Are you worried about cleaning things the wrong way? No need to be! Because cleaning is more about planning than skill. You have what it takes to shave off several minutes from cleaning time, but you need a plan to make it happen.

If you’re clueless on how to clean your home faster, there’s something you need to have clear first:

Cleaning as you go vs. planning ahead

Let’s be clear on this: cleaning as you go doesn’t work. 

That’s right. Whatever you see first shouldn’t dictate in what order you’ll clean your home. It can make things harder for you in ways you won’t notice until it’s late. For example, if you clean the floors first, you can get them dirty again while you dust something else…and work twice!

Planning will save you headaches and time, plain and simple. Because one task affects the other, and some areas can’t be dealt with right away. You could be taking advantage of those wait times!

Now that you know why having a plan is essential to clean faster, get ready to make all the stops on the road to a clean house! 

Here are the crucial steps for your plan:

1.- Let those cleaning solutions soak in

Now that you set the plan, it’s time to overlap some of these tasks. Starting with the grimiest areas in your home, be sure to pour cleaning solutions first and let them work by themselves while you go and attend to other places.

2.- Up and down, left to right

It’s so easy to overlook this tip since people often start dusting and spraying whatever is on sight. There’s a better way: start from the top. Once the dust drops, everything will be easier from then on.

3.- Remove clutter

Move every out-of-place thing that stands in your way. Quickly organize whatever goes on shelves or toss whatever is plain trash. A clearer view will let you clean without obstacles.

4.- Wet areas are the most important

Two of the most important places you need to clean are the bathroom and the kitchen. These are “wet areas” for an obvious reason: water runs in them! But it doesn’t mean that wet areas are cleaner than the rest of your home. On the contrary, they often need more cleaning time!  


If you let the chemicals soak in during the first step and tackle these areas first, you’ve already saved yourself some time and effort. Time to scrub!

5.- Finishing touches on floors

Floors should always be the last thing you do when cleaning your house. This is because dirt, dust, and debris will fall on the floor during the whole cleaning process. At the very end, grab that vacuum or broom. After that, mop the floor and call it a day. 

There you have it! Five easy steps to save time. Try cleaning your house this way, and you’ll notice how different you could approach cleaning day. If you think you can do some things better, by any means, go ahead! Cleaning is about understanding your house, and these pointers are just a guide on knowing it better.

If you’re ever in quite a hurry, Cleaning House Company can help you with your cleaning chores! Contact us, and you’ll be in touch with our expert team of trusted maids. We’ll assign a certified cleaner to your home for top-quality cleaning. 

Book your cleaning now!

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